Friday, August 22, 2014

Little Weekly Moments

 This week was filled with a cute birthday girl asleep with her bum in the air, and later getting a birthday picture that was almost impossible to get. This week was also the start of a new job, and car problems on my very first day. Because of said job and car problems, Madalyns birthday was a little rushed, but we celebrated non the less. (one year old blog still coming. The business of this week made me skip it.)
 This week was also filled with playing with Madalyns new birthday toys. Or at least Abby playing with them, thinking they are hers of course. This week has also been filled with sickness, so lots of Sesame Street was watched by both of them, and lots of rare cuddles from Miss. Abby. Madalyn also can climb on anything and looks adorable while at it. 
Lastly, this week was filled with discovering the joy of Abby's birthday balloon, and me trying to stay awake during training at work. Also, much needed husband time once the kids finally went to sleep, and this cute precious little baby face to top it off. 


  1. Wow, car problems, new job, and sickness all in one week? That's rough! I hope you are well on your way to recovery and that you have a much smoother week coming up. I'm also glad that you still managed to document things, because I love reading about it!

  2. happybirthday beautiful madalyn! i cant believe she is one already. she looks so big playing side by side with abby. was that your dad in the car photo in his white clothes? hahah im sorry you had car trouble- what a horrible start to a bad day already? you are looking fantastic though- you can tell the running is making a difference.
