Monday, August 20, 2012

The Dealio of Life, According To My Phone

Life lately has been lameish, but we have had a few fun things happen. And not to mention some cute Abby things along the way.
 Life has been showing off to daddy how I can braid my hair, with Abby peaking over my shoulder. (seriously, a big deal that I finally learned how to braid people). Abby's poor little legs with her year shots, fast asleep with her baby, and playing in water at City Creek mall.
 Life has been going to Ashtens reception and seeing friends I haven't seen forever. It's been Sunday mornings when mommy and daddy are too tired to get out of bed, but Abby wants to play. It's been Abby hiding her binkies in the cereal cupboard and throwing her bibs all over the room.
 It's been learning how to feed her self with a spoon, getting messy eating Lasagna after my great uncle Stan's funeral, waving goodbye to me as I leave to work, and visiting Rush Valley.
Life has been car troubles (flat tire in Lola, Stella out of commission) falling asleep with her other baby (that she is afraid of) while I clean, being winged off the bottle (as you can tell, milk from a sippy just isn't her cup of tea) and pulling the MANY weeds in our yard. (yard work was at the bottom of our priority list this summer. Now we are paying for it.)

Until next time.


  1. I enjoyed your post! It was kind of like catching up with you! And I think I drove through Lola this past weekend when we went to Capitol Reef. Is Lola in Southern Utah? Also, I love Abby and the video you posted in the previous post and it broke my heart but made me laugh to see the picture of her with tears and a sippy. Being a baby is so hard :)

  2. I wanna know why Kari never comments on my posts...but she always comments on yours. I mean...I realize that she likes you way better than she likes me...but still! What the heck?!
    Anyway, now that I have that off my chest...Abby is so cute! I just love her. I wish I was much better at taking pictures! But alas, I am not. Oh well. I'll just settle for checking out all the fun things you guys do! I love the story that your pictures tell!
