Thursday, March 7, 2013

Life Lately According To My Phone

 Life lately has been looking fly in her sunglasses and new yellow skinny jeans. It's been happy crazy mohawk mornings, having way too much fun sitting on the toilet while I got ready for the day, and enjoying her first ride in a car at the grocery store. Usually she gets mad when I put her in the cart. This time she got mad when I took her out. (also, notice the makeup remover she is holding in these two bottom pictures? She carried it around with her all morning, through getting ready and running errands-probably 4 hours straight never taking it out of her hands. I finally pried it out of her hand when we ate lunch. It is one of her favorite toys.)
 It's been the birthday dinner Sam and I fixed for him, while my parents watched Abby. (browned butter and mizithra cheese) It was so weird being at home without her! It's been playing in her spaghettio's more than eating them. Life's been getting ready to work out with mommy and loving her doll so much!
 Life has been bundling up and visiting the zoo on free zoo day. It's been folding her arms during the prayer...and snapping a picture of it. It's been collecting her toys to lay down for a nap, and getting beautiful by doing her very own makeup.
And, life has been enjoying the sunny warm day Saturday and loving every minute on daddy's shoulders. It's been chilling at Deseret Book with her best friend daddy, convinced we were going to buy her that pink sparkly scripture case she insisted on carrying around with her. Its been eating at Firehouse and having a cute firefighter daughter, and it's been her reaction when we say it's time for prayers.

Life has just been full of cute.


  1. The only reason I want a smart phone is so I can take awesome pictures like you :). But, alas, I shall never have one. Cute post! I love these!

  2. hahaha i love her reaction to prayers - lol. landon usually runs away from me. she is just so adorable, in the hat, in her new skinnies. such a stylish diva. i esp love how she carried the make up around for hours. what a doll

  3. How did you resist not getting her that sparkly scripture case, because that is so darn cute?! And her dramatics are hilarious as always :) Also, I'm glad you got your firehouse despite my rudeness to deny the pregnant woman.
