Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Joys (more like the woe's) of Pregnancy.

Well the cat it out of the bag. We are soon going to be a family of 4! Crazy to think about having another kid. I mean, with how much I love Abby, how can I love another kid just as much? I know it will happen, but it just seems so weird to me!

Despite being over the moon excited though, I really dislike being pregnant. Now I try to not be the annoying complainy pregnant lady, and for the most part I think I'm not, (unless you ask Sam. Or my mom. They would tell you differently) but seriously, this constant nausea and food aversion needs to stop! I remember when Sam and I were deciding it was time to have another baby. The veil was safely over my eyes and I told him there was no way this pregnancy was going to be as hard as Abby's. I knew what to do to avoid being sick and plus, being pregnant was 'fun.' Ha. It's probably only fun for baby. Well fetus number 2, enjoy your fun because in about 25 weeks, you'll be out and in my arms!

So, as to not sound too much like a cranky old pregnant lady, here are some things I both like, and dislike about being pregnant.

Things I dislike:

  • I pee my pants when I puke. Every. Single. Time.
  • I dislike that I work until 2am. I mean, It's really hard! I am dead tired all the time and by the end of the week I am a boring pregnant zombie. BUT I do love working with all ladies that know exactly what I am going through.
  • The nausea. Oh how I hate the nausea. I do feel like I have it more under control this time around, just because I know what to expect, but it still doesn't make it any more fun.
  • Food aversions like lemons, any sort of pasta with a tomato-base sauce, which also means Olive Garden is currently out, and Subway. (just typing about these aversions makes me want to puke)
  • Frequent urination, which leads to being a light sleeper too having to get up a lot during the night therefore hearing my dear husband snore. (heck, even his breathing gets to me sometimes.)
  • I don't like chocolate and I dislike that. It just makes me feel icky.
  • I seem to catch everything that comes around.
  • I cry all. the. time.
Things I like:
  • Nothing.
Haha Just kidding.
  • I like that due to throwing up, I've lost 8 lbs, bringing me below my pre-pregnancy weight with Abby.
  • I am more prepared to puke in public by keeping a gallon ziplock bag in my purse at all times. (still have yet to figure out the pee situation.)
  • On that note, I know when I'm about to throw up so I've had very little puke accidents. 
  • I seem to have more good days then I did with Abby. Take these past few days for instance. I have felt terrific!
  • I love my freaky dreams. Like this morning, I had a dream that one of my volunteers at work got lost, so two ladies found him and folded him up like laundry and brought him back to me. He was sort of going crazy, so I was carrying him between my hands like a folded up shirt looking for the other volunteer to take care of crazy folded guy.
  • Things seem to go faster this time, because I'm so busy with Abby. 
  • I love water this time around. I could guzzle the stuff most of the time. On the other hand, I really love coke too.
  • This time around I feel like I am keeping up better fitness, despite the fact I've been so sick and tired.
  • I am happy that I am getting my bump already...although to the untrained eye, I just look chubby.
  • I am happy to announce that my energy is returning slowly but surly. And more so at the beginning of the week.
  • I have had a lot more cravings this time around: gummy/fruity candies, Spicy McChicken sandwiches from McDonald's specifically, soft serve ice cream, wafer cookies, and soft pretzels just to name a few.
  • I LOVE picturing Abby as a big sister. She loves babies so much, I can only imagine just how much she will love her baby sister or brother. And I'm betting she will teach him or her lots of naughty tricks.

Well would you look at that? It appears I do like more things about pregnancy then not. However, I still prefer not being pregnant. 6 more months. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Happy (late) Birthday to my Husband!

I am not an easy person to live with.
I have a temper.
I am dramatic.
I am selfish.
I am such a light sleeper that poor Sam gets poked in the ribs often.
I am not the best cook, nor do I like doing so often.
I can be lazy if I don't have anything going on.
I tend to be a homebody.
But Sam loves me anyway. 
I could go on and make this post a really mushy i-have-the-best-husband-ever birthday post, but I won't.
Or maybe I will a little.
Sam is by far the best person I could have married.
Despite all my flaws, he loves me.
He is a super patient husband.
He is a wonderful father and loves his daughter more than life.
He is a hard worker.
And I love him because of it.

Happy Birthday babe. Thanks for making me feel like I'm the luckiest woman in the world!! I love you!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Valentines was great this year. Even though not much went on on the 14th, I was still super giddy all day long. I loved looking at ooey gooey Valentine posts and made sure my 2 Valentines got enough kisses and loves.

When Sam got home from work, he surprised me with a yummy heart full of strawberries and then we kept the night low key by going to Panda Express for dinner and then coming home and watching our favorite shows on NBC.
Yes, Valentines Day was fantastic, but it was Saturday night I was really excited for. Sam was planning our date and he said I would love it. And guess what? I did!!

He surprised me by taking me to Joe Morelys. I have been craving that place for like...a year or so but for some reason we hadn't made it. So he made sure I got me some good BBQ! It was everything I hoped it would be and more.
During dinner, we exchanged gifts. I got him the new Bouncing Souls album, and he got me the most beautiful necklace ever! (and it wasn't even expensive!)
After dinner, we hit some stores and did some fun shopping (hello $7 skirt from Old Navy) and then did my very favorite thing ever-went ice skating!! It was so. much. fun! And I only almost fell once and made horrible ugly sounds in the process. (Sam had to stop skating he was laughing so hard-the sound was THAT ugly)
Yep. It was the perfect date. Thank you Sam! And thank you grandma and grandpa for watching Abby so we could get a much needed night out!!

I am so glad I married Samuel Tappana. He truly makes me happy. I am so in love with that man!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday Favorites

Waking up to a very happy little girl

Finding Abby jeans at Target for $2.50

My delicious Tasty Turkey sandwich from Einsteins

Not being able to put down my book

Elmo and Ricky Gervais

Abby talking to herself in the mirror

Fuji Apples and string cheese snack

And, knowing that it is Friday.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Nerd In Me.

Anyone who knows me, knows I am a huge HUGE Harry Potter fan, therefore, I am considered a nerd. But it's ok. Nerds are cool.
So this post is dedicated to all the fellow nerds out there. This might be a frequent post. It might not. But i've pinned a whole bunch of cool HP things, that even the least likely nerd should find funny. (maybe though if you haven't read the books, it might not be.)
Yes. It's true. People that know me think I'm delusional when I say I attended Hogwarts. Or maybe they just think I am crazy. Either way, it was the best 7 years of my life. Just ask my BFF8
This one just simply makes me happy. Mixing my two nerd-loves together.
Again, another true statement. Just ask my family.
Pretty self explanatory. And funny.
I know I posted this one on facebook, but siriusly guys it is too good to not be posted in multiple places.
On a more seriousimhiperventilatingathowcoolthisis note, wow. One thing I NEVER picked up in all my times reading this series. I need to read it again now. JK Rowling is pure GENIUS!
And lastly, I need this. I need this real bad. It. would. complete. me. (cough Sam cough)

For other Harry Potter Nerd love, check out this Valentines post from last year (that i posted WAY after v-day) here