This whole month is a big big month for us Tappana's. Not just for the obvious, but of course that makes this month even bigger. But let's start at the beginning.
July 1st: Canada Day. Yes. I am excited about this holiday, mostly because a)it's a day before my birthday and b) Robin Sparkles said it best when she exclamed "I'm gonna rock your body till Canada Day."and c) my little brother in law is serving in Canada, so I figure I should celebrate.
July 2nd: The day my parents life changed forever...for the better might I add. The day this little charmer, I speak of myself of course, came into their lives. The day my brothers and sister got the best gift anyone could ever give them, the cutest little sister in the world. It wasn't until I was born, that my family of 6 was complete. It was a happy birthday indeed...
July 4th: America's birthday. Yes, I was lucky enough to be born near America's birthday, which makes me feel like my birthday celebration lasts for days! (of course, I'm just a little less cool than my sister in law Kari who was born on this day). The 4th of July has to be one of my favorite holidays: BBQ's, mountains, water parties, FIREWORKS, junk food. And no work. Best. Summer holiday. EVER.
July 23rd: The day our daughter is due. The day that makes everything else big in this month, a little less big. Yes, this is more big even than my birthday AND the last Harry Potter movie. I'm talking about having a kid here!! A real-life all my very own little baby girl. Sam and I have to take care of this little girl. She will be 100% completely and totally dependent on us. We feed her, we change her, we put her to sleep, we bath her. We are becoming parents! She is ours FOREVER!! Pretty heavy if you ask me. And also pretty awesome.
July 24th: Second best Holiday in July. More BBQ's, more mountain time, more water parties, more junk food, more fireworks. Though maybe this year i'll be sitting this holiday out. Still love it though.
hhhhahaha oh this is so fune- and so true! july is such a hoppin month for you. with harrys big day, canada day, oh ya--and abbie and your birthdays. big big day.