This years was so much fun. Friday night we got there later then I wanted to, seeing as I had to work that day. But we made it down about 8 with still enough time to catch up with all the gals (and boy...Justin). So Friday we sat and talked for a while, then we decided to do Fro Yo Friday. After, Mel and Justin, me and Sam went to a very lame True T Bird night.
Thank goodness we all became true T-birds last year.
Saturday we took a walk around the campus all around our old stomping grounds, and visited the my old death 6-8 am work building, the good old Braithwait.Then we watched the awesome Homecoming parade. Afterwords we went to pastry pub to grab a bite to eat and then headed to the football game, which by the way we won! Go T-birds! Then we went to our old apt for a picture. That night we went to see Social Network.
Sunday we went to church, said bye to Mel and Justin, had dinner at Jess's place, said goodbye to everyone and then headed back to our hotel room to relax. We seriously sat pretty much the whole day just doing nothing, except we did go to park discovery. We stayed the night and Monday before we went home we stopped by Jess' office and picked her up for lunch at Top Spot. Then said goodbye to her and Cedar and headed home. It was a great, much needed get away back to my old home.
i think you left out the part about the hillbillies.... haha