Monday, April 19, 2010

Our Little Obsession

So. This TV show was on in about 1996. I remember watching it with my family. I would even rush home from my friends house to watch this show. Our friends have the seasons of it and let us borrow it. We are obsessed. It's about this guy named Jarod who is a prodigy, and he was taken from his family when he was just a little boy, and taken to a place called the center. There he learned how to become anything he wants to be, aka, a pretender. Well, one day the Pretender ran away. Bum bum bum!!

I just love that both Sam and I are really into this old TV show. Jarod always eats pez, and so Sam and I bought some pez. We can't wait to watch it with each other every night. It really is a time during our busy schedules to sit and relax with each other. It's one of the best 45 min of the day!!

1 comment:

  1. that sounds fun! I love being able to do something with Brigham that we both are really into. It makes us that much closer :)
