Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Dealio of Life, According to my phone.

Life lately, because it's been a while. Get ready for a picture overload!!
Life lately has been waiting at the doctors office to get a flu shot on a perfect Abby size table, looking at all our new books that Aunt Ashley gave us, making a mess at Walmart with the PJ's because I broke the gate thing, and Abby trying to get out of the tub, and succeeding once. (edit done by yours truly.)
 It's been cuddling with her new bear Charmin that our sweet neighbor, who was really good friends with my grandma, gave her. Seriously, it meant so much. Abby didn't get to know her great grandparents, but she sure is popular with all my grandmas old friends. Life's been bundling up against the cold we had a few weeks ago, and it's been dressing up for Halloween. 
 Life has been letting Abby eat an ice cream all to herself so that she was good a little while longer at the restaurant. It's been cuddling with daddy, Abbys favorite person in the world. And it's been using our new jogging stroller Aunt Chelsea gave us. (fixed it up for $24 bucks!)
 It's been 12 hour sleep nights, laying around feeling awful, and making this face when mommy takes her from daddy. Seriously you guys, once 6:00 hits it's like "Mommy who?"
 Life has been burning the most calories yet on one of my runs, and celebrating with an ice cold Mexican Coke.
 Life has been reuniting with Kirby's adventure and FINALLY killing a boss I've been trying to kill FOREVER, It's been being a good American and voting, and it's been enjoying the last few nice days of the season at the park. 
 Life has been Abby finding if she knocked over the space heater it made a good chair. And it's been my idea of getting ready for the day in my fashionable sweats. (at least they aren't the green ones)
Lastly, life has been Abby getting mistaken as a boy by a very nice old man, even when she is decked out in girl stuff, and Abby being confused with the fast-paced talking that is Gilmore Girls.


  1. That's awesome that you got your jogging stroller fixed. How did you and Abby like it? Also, I fell in love with the picture of Abby shrugging to the Gilmore girls, hahaha. Adorable. Also adorable that she loves Sam so much. Well for me, maybe not so much for you.

  2. i just love that little girl! that panda hat is adorbs and im so glad you got a stroller - sooo nice right? youre a great runner! i love your nails and hair in your sweat picture- but i hate the sweats hahahaha she is just the prettiest little girl.

  3. Ahhhh, I love these posts. They bring a smile to my face as I see all the fun and sometimes unusual things you take pictures of :). Looks like life had been pretty eventful for you guys! If my phone didn't suck so back with picture taking skills...I may be able to get glimpses of our days like you too. Sadly though, I don't. Oh well. Cute post! Cute Abby! Cute Caitlin!
