Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Madalyn Marie: 3 years old

I've been binge watching Fuller House over the weekend while i did my mountains of laundry. So the one phrase that comes to mind when I think of how long its been since I last blogged is "Oh Mylanta!" Because I have been wanting to blog about how sweet/sassy Maddie is for a while, but better late than never right?

Madalyn turned 3 years old on the 18th of August. And since then, she has turned into so much a threenager. But she is also the sweetest thing in the world.

Madalyn took a little bit of time to potty train, but she finally is, for the most part. She still has accidents when she is busy playing, and sometimes the toilet and going number 2 still scares her, but we do leave the house with undies and we don't buy pull-ups anymore. She is still in a diaper at night, but I'm ok with that for now.
The doll she got for finally being potty trained
Probably my all time favorite picture of her. 
Madalyn started preschool in September. I was so nervous for her to start, because she basically hated other kids. We would go and play at the playground, and if other kids were playing there, she would get so angry and not play near them. So I didn't know how she would do in preschool. But starting school was THE BEST thing for Madalyn. First of all, that's what helped her finally start to potty. But most importantly, she is friendly to kids now!! And she is so outgoing and not as shy. She will talk to strangers in line at the store, she plays beside other kids, and doesn't get mad at them, and she is just so friendly. Sure, she still has an attitude sometimes, but she is a three year old.
Mine and Sams phones are covered with Madalyn selfies

Maddie is super silly. She makes crazy faces,  and has the most contagious hard laugh.  You know she is in a good mood when she wakes up and automatically makes a goofy face. She learned how to go cross eyed not too long ago and now constantly does it.
Stealing her brother binkie and his swing. and mu makeup
If you let her, Maddie will talk your ear off. The other day at school, my sister said she was talking so much that she actually drooled on the ground, because she didn't even pause to swallow. She then looked at the floor, wiped her mouth with her sleeve, and kept going. Her stories usually start with "this one time" and then she will launch in a huge long adorable story.

Madalyn loves many things, some of which include: candy and anything sweet, Abby, (her idol) Andy, Youtube kids, The Chipmunks, Owlette from PJ Masks, the songs "Five Little Monkeys" and the Finger Family songs, carrots and ranch dip, watching movies/resting on mommy and daddies bed, all the superheros, but particularly Batman, and basically copying everything Abby does. Oh and she also loves potty humor and talking about poop. Oh boy.

She is such a beautiful, fun little three year old and I am so, so thankful she is ours. She makes my heart happy just when I simply look at her and she has a way of making my bad days better. Me and daddy love you Madalyn. Thanks for being wonderful.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Abbigale Mae-5 years old.

I'm only about 3 months late with this blog. Blogging has just been put on the back burner since starting work. Even reading blogs sadly has gone the way of the world. Which is a shame, because that is my favorite thing to do. So I'm going to try to get back into reading blogs. At least the blogs of my favorite people. Anyway, since i use these as journal entries, I decided it is time to update about my most favorite little 5 year old ever. 

Abby is sure a one of a kind little girl with a huge imagination. For her birthday she got a Baby Alive doll for her and basically treats that, along with several other dolls, as her children. Sometimes heading out of the house is tricky because we have to make sure she isn't sneaking too many dolls or doll accessories that will get lost and left behind. The two girls (but mostly Abby) treat their dolls Summer and Bailey as part of our family and i love it. Sometimes i hate it, but mostly, i love it.

Abby started Kindergarten this year. She is super smart and is loving learning how to read. However, she is also VERY social and the teacher had to talk to me about Abby not listening to her and talking to all her friends. She even had to leave class one day and brought home a note for me to sign. Now she has a little behavior sticker chart at home and when she fills that up from being good, she can get a toy. Last I spoke to her teacher Miss. King, she is getting better.


Her socializing isn't all bad though. She taught me a big lesson one day. She was at the park with one night with Sam while i was at work. Sam texted me that there was a little girl there. Abby said she wanted to show this little girl her doll Summer. Sam asked her if that little girl was her friend. Abby said "No, but i'm going to make her one." Seeing that text made me realize what a wonderful little girl I have, and taught me a lesson to always be friendly and seek out friendships rather than judging or being afraid that someone won't like me. 

Abby is into boys a ton lately. And marriage. She can't wait to get married. One of the boys in our ward, who happens to be in her class, is her supposed boyfriend. She is constantly talking about Logan and how she is in love with him and how they will be getting married when they are older. "but not for a long time because i'm not ready to have kids yet mom." Here is a conversation i had over text with Logans mom.
Me texting Amy: "mom, did you know when i first saw Logan I fell in looooove with him? Thats why he's my boyfriend."
Amy: Logan: "Mom, i am not her boyfriend and we are not in love. She told everyone at school that! Its embarrassing!" 

Haha. He is a good sport though it seems, since they are still friends and still like to play. I did have to tell her to tone it down at school and maybe stop telling every one they are boyfriend and girlfriend.  And apparently, he has wedding rings for both of them and picked out the temple they will get married in. He just doesn't want to do the whole boyfriend thing first. Oh these kids are adorable.
You can totally see how nervous these two look to start kindergarten.

Other things abby loves: the kids youtube, her barbies, her brother and sister, swimming, playing at the park, socializing/being anywhere but home. (which is hard on her introvert mom) Mario,  ramen noodles, chocolate, kids meals from Old McDonalds, donuts, peppers, raw green beans, her daddy, taking showers and princesses. 
As you can see by her face, maddie Adores her big sister too.

She is such a huge helper to me, and has often helped me with the younger two if i am busy with something. (she has changed multiple poopy diapers for me without me asking, because she knows i would tell her she didn't have to) She has helped maddie go potty, calmed down Andy when i can't, even has fed him at night while Sam has been busy doing things. She is such just such a wonderful child and I am so glad she is ours forever. I love you Abbigale Mae, to the moon and back. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Half a Year

I can't believe my sweet baby boy is already 6 months old. These 6 months flew, and he is already well on his way to turning a year and I don't know how i feel about that. When i found out Andy was a boy, I was kind of devastated. I wanted all girls. I knew girls. I can admit this now, because it was obviously a hormonal, irrational fear, because I seriously cannot get enough of my baby boy. He has my heart in a way his sisters don't. (they both have my heart in different ways too, obviously. I wish everyone could at least have one of each!)

At 6 months old, Andy:

  • Loves me more than anybody else. I'm sure that will change when he realizes Daddy is into sports/can actually play said sports with him. But for now, I will take being his most favorite thing on the face of this planet.
  • He still loves to nurse, and only nurse. He will take a bottle, but not very well, and he pretty much hates baby food. Except bananas. He will sort of eat those.
  • He had his first camping trip, and handled it like a champ.
  • He can roll front to back, is good at arching his way out of his bouncer, and can sit up on his own for a couple of seconds before toppling over and getting very upset about it
  • He smiles very easily, but it takes a lot for him to laugh, and when he does laugh its pretty much just a chuckle.
  • One time he chuckles pretty good is when i am wiping his bum after pooping. Seriously. He just sits and chuckles as i clean him up. Whether it tickles, or he is rubbing it in that he just pooped, I don't know. But its adorable and hilarious.  
  • He makes the most adorable baby sounds, and I just can't get enough of his cute little voice!
  • He sleeps super well. I can put him in his crib at nap and bed time, and he will just grab his blanket, put it over his face, and falls asleep almost immediately. Sometimes he sleeps all night, but usually he wakes up between 4 and 6:30, eats, and then falls back to sleep. I definitely don't hate it. The only time he has been up multiple times lately is over the 4th, when he was cutting a serious tooth and was miserable. 
  • He loves to grab things. Anytime i am holding him and i take a drink of something, he is quick to grab my cup or water bottle and slobber all over it, and he likes his toys very much. 
  • He loves to stand look around. i need to get him one of those jumper bouncy things. He also hates to be in my ergo. He might like it better if it faced forward, but he hates being confined and facing me. Yet he loves to be held. Come on boy. Mama can only do so much!
  • He has two adorable bottom teeth, and surprisingly has only bitten me a couple of times. I think he must know if he starts to bite, its bye bye nursing, hello bottle. 
I sure do love my little boy. I can't get enough of his fuzzy head and big blue eyes. He is my favorite little dude in the whole wide world!!

Friday, July 1, 2016

A New Decade.

As I sit here on the eve of aging a new decade, I can't help but reflect on what a fantastic 10  years of my life my 20s were; by far the best decade I ever had. I had a lot of ups and plenty of downs, but honestly, I had a great 10 years. I'm feeling all sentimental about turning 30 tomorrow, so I decided to make a list of 10 big things that happened to me in my 20s.

  1. At 20 years old, my missionary left me for two years, and it was super hard and crappy at times, but it was totally worth every hardship. (spoiler: I waited.)
  2. I moved away for the first time in my life and attended SUU. This was the best thing I could have done. I learned how to get by myself, and I made the closest friends. I came out of the shell that high school put me in and really discovered who Caitlin Bingham was. 
  3. I went to California and saw the ocean for the first time with my roomates for Spring Break one year. It was such a fun road trip and I loved seeing the beautiful ocean. 
  4. I went on a tour with the Tabernacle Choir, and flew on an airplane and left the country the for the first time in my life. We were only in Canada for less than 24 hours, but it still counts. The tour was such a wonderful, spiritual experience, and it is something I will always hold close to my heart and treasure forever. The best part was turning 21 on tour, and having a bus full of choir members sing to me. I also saw my boyfriend on his mission, and that was pretty  awkward cool too. 
  5. I went through the temple for the first time, and it was such a wonderful experience, and it is a day I still think of fondly, because I was equal parts uplifted and confused. 
  6. I was married to my best friend and love of my life in my 20s, and that was hands-down the best thing I have ever done. Our wedding day was so wonderful, and I couldn't believe that after years of knowing each other, dating, and waiting for him on his mission, I was FINALLY marrying Sam Tappana.
  7. Sam and I bought two great cars in our family; our honda accord (lola) and our Honda Pilot (rosie.)
  8. I became a real grown up in my 20s, when we decided to buy our house. I mean, we actually had a mortgage and had to really be self sufficient!! .
  9. I ran my first half marathon, and it is something I NEVER thought it would EVER do, but I did it and I am still really proud of myself for putting my mind to something and accomplishing that goal.
  10. I became a mom in my 20s, 3 times. First at 25, then 27, and again at 29 and out of everything that I have done in my 20s, this one by far is the one I am most proud of. 
My 20s were great, and I can't wait to see what kind of adventures I will have in these next 10 years. 

Monday, May 2, 2016

Life in April

April was a great month, but also a not so great month, and since its been over a month since i last blogged, i thought i would talk about April in a slew of pictures.

At the beginning of April, we were able to go to Sams mission reunion. He was more excited than i was, but it ended up being a nice time. Especially because we were able to last minute leave our girls at Sams parents house with their cousins that just came in, leaving it just me, Sam, and Andy. It made it easier to eat all the treats. I also had to note some cuddles we had conference weekend, the girls snuggled up asleep on my bed and me snuggling a sleeping Andy. Also in April, Abby got pink eye, making it so we couldn't play with our cousins as much, and Madalyn looks pretty in my lipstick.
Also in April, i have been really trying to focus and get back into working out. Its been a little more difficult than I hoped because Andy decided he doesn't like sleeping all night anymore, so getting up early hasn't happened very often and working out with kids around can take all morning, but its important to me, so I've pushed through. Andy was also able to meet his month older (exactly) cousin Kendrick for the first time, and had fun hanging out with him and Raegan. (Jake and Ashley's 6 month old) Also, Andy has been flashing smiles, Madalyn has been sneaking into Grammy and Papas crackers, and we enjoyed some really beautiful weather in April.
Since daddy works two jobs, and some days are EXTRA long, we have been going on walks at night and the girls push their babies as well. We also have before bed snuggles, just to torture Andy. The last day we were able to hang out with Kari and cousins, we went to Zumba together. The boys were really good while we worked out, and we forced a picture of all the kids in the bright light after. And then we took a selfie of us. We had a lot of fun with Kari, Ammon, Lydia and Kendrick even despite missing a couple of days with pink eye and Lydia having the flu.
Andy also as enjoyed playing with his sisters dolls and using my snapchat filters. He makes one handsome cop, don't you think? Unfortunately, almost a week after Abby got pink eye, Madalyn and Andy were down with it, and we all had nasty colds that hung on for weeks. It. was. miserable.
Now that Andy sits in his bumbo well, meal times are a lot more fun with him on the table. Abby has also been loving the snapchat filters. Madalyn doesn't like the filters, but she does like my all over makeup stick, and literally put it all over. And, a shopping trip with exhausted girls was saved with some donuts.
A few other little tidbits ending up April; my beautiful Abby loving on her brother, Madalyn rolling over to snuggle Abby one morning, Andy falling asleep on Sam in a silly way, Madalyn upset at something, and Andy not so much loving his sisters smothery kisses.
We were also able to go to our first RSL game of the season one Saturday with our friends the Heidts, for free too since Jessica is awesome and won tickets on the radio, but sadly, I didn't take any pictures. Just snaps. The problem with Snaps man.

I am really glad we all feel better finally. That was a long two weeks, but we survived and we are so excited for May to be here!!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Andrew Samuel: 2 months

Oh man its been so long since I have blogged. I totally missed Andys 1 month update, and he has been 2 months for almost 2 weeks, so I thought it was about time. I miss blogging, but I hardly ever sit at my computer these days. I haven't even sat and read blogs in ages. plus, my computer is literally falling apart, so pushing buttons is kinda hard. My screen is literally hanging on by a thread to my keyboard! yikes!! Anyway, this is about Andy, not my dumb computer.

I can't believe i ever was nervous about having a little boy. seriously, i enjoyed my pregnancy even less because i had such great anxiety that a) i wouldn't know how to handle a boy and b) that he wouldn't be as cute as my girls. my gosh how wrong i was. little Andy has my whole heart, and did from the very first moment he was laid on my chest and we did skin to skin. I can't believe how much i love him.

At two months Andy can:

  • Lift his head/hold it up pretty well.
  • He makes you work for his smiles. He is a very serious young man, but when he does smile, it lights up his whole face.
  • He loves being held. Some days not much gets done because he hates being put down. And when he is held, he loves facing out. 
  • He hates tummy time, but what baby doesn't, right?
  • He loves to eat, and nurses really well. We tried a bottle once and he didn't take it so well, but i have a girls night coming up in a week and i need him to take it. 
  • I'm going to jinx myself again, but he is typically a really good sleeper. last time i admitted this on social media, he kept me up for a few nights, but he is back to sleeping well. Lately he has been going to sleep for the night around 10 and waking up anywhere between 5:30 and 7:30, and going back to sleep after he eats a bit. And he has himself on a pretty good nap schedule too, usually when the girls lay down so i can have alone time, or sleep like i prefer. Because i love to sleep. 
  • He is starting to get interested in objects. He tried grabbing my moms watch the other day, he stares at his hangy things on his swing, and was very interested in a monkey toy the other day. 
  • He loves his sisters, even if they do smother him and make him cry.
  • He seems to be a big mamas boy, which i'm pretty ok with. :)
  • He has many nicknames. Abby calls him Andy-pants and Madalyn calls him "my baby anyew."
I am seriously so in love with my little boy, and i'm so glad he is in our little family. He is so loved by his daddy and his sisters too. We truly are so blessed!! I love you little Andy!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Life Lately With a New Baby (as of a few weeks ago)

 Its true what they say. The third baby is a game changer. A wonderful one, but a big one. So with this big game changer, life has been Abby trying to hold her baby brother at every chance she can get. Its been a handsome baby boy fresh out of a bath. Life has been a quick dinner date with my boys, because when I have a newborn, I need to get out of the house. And life has been Madalyn loving on her baby brother as well. 
 Life lately has been a sneaky Madalyn finishing her milk quickly, and then stealing her sisters when she leaves. its been giving Madalyn extra snuggles so she doesn't feel replaced. Life has been an adorable picture of my two favorite guys, and its been appreciating my girls being asleep. 
 Life lately has been Madalyn falling asleep in Abbys bed, and Abby waking up in Madalyns. Its been Madalyn getting strong at my moms house, and its been my adorable baby's face. 
 Life has been still trying to figure out how we all the sudden have 3 kids, but loving it (most of the time anyway.) Its been eating at Leatherbys for our friends 30th bday. Life has been spending fun times with my family of 5, and not being able to resist a picture of my boy actually awake. 
Life has been Abby reading her book in church, and of course needing her glasses. Its been Madalyn not being able to resist poking at Andy. Life has been Andy meeting his cousin Wyatt, who was born in August, and its been him being adorable as he sleeps.

Life has been going to the movies on MLK day to see the Good Dinosaur. Its been a happy big sister and a handsome little man, and its been Andy's first real bath and him not enjoying it whatsoever. 

And lastly, its been finding Madalyn asleep on the floor because waking up was too hard. Its been another close of of Andy because i just can't get enough. Life has been full of finding selfies much like this of Abby on my phone, And its been lots of time spent on my bed watching movies while adjusting to a mommy of 3.

Its been chaotic, busy, exhausting, and wonderful. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Andrew Samuel Tappana

(This blog took me 2 weeks to write. Life with three kids, right?)

Andy's birth story isn't my favorite. I know, sounds terrible but let me splain. I usually love the labor part of pregnancy. I hate the pregnancy so much, that once I'm in labor, I know its almost over and it is my last...hurrah i guess you could say? Sounds weird I know. So after having such a fantastic labor and delivery with Madalyn, I thought for sure Andrew would just fly out. Not so. It was my hardest pregnancy, and its almost as if Andy wanted one last guarantee that he will be the youngest, by making labor long.  (Disclaimer: no guarantees are final)

On the morning of January 9th, I started to have contractions. They weren't too painful, but they were pretty frequent. We went about our morning as usual. All the sudden, they got so bad I could hardly breath through them, so we packed up everything and headed to the hospital.  By the time we got there at about 1:30, they had calmed down quite a bit. I was progressing a bit, but not a ton so they had me walk for an hour and then get checked again. In that hour, i progressed a centimeter, but since my contractions weren't bad anymore, they wanted me to walk for one more hour. Two hours of walking in bad shoes at 39 weeks pregnant is exhausting. But i was determined to stay, so walk i did. Me and Sam even did some stairs. Well, that did the trick because when i got back, i was at a 5 and they kept me. However, shortly after, my contractions all but stopped, thus my progression did. By this time it was maybe about 7:00? Sam decided to run home to get the girls some things to stay at my moms for the night and nothing happened in that time. At about 9 or so, they came in to check me and i was only at a 6, so i decided to have them break my water. Shortly after the contractions started again with finally some more intensity. About an hour later, I asked for the epidural and got some nice sweet, sweet relief. Sadly, that once again, stopped my progression. I think they waited about two hours and came in and I was still just at 6, so they asked if pitocen was ok. At this point, i just wanted him out so I didn't mind one bit!! After that, we just snoozed as often as we could. My epidural was starting to wear off and I was feeling pretty bad contractions in my left side. I was able to push the button for more medicine and rolled over on my left side. Before I knew it however, it was time to push. The epidural was actually quite perfect. I could feel the contractions enough to know I needed to push, and I could move my legs by myself, but nothing else!

The delivery was quite the chaotic event. As i started to push, Sam all the sudden got quite dizzy and had to sit down. A nurse took over holding my leg, while Sam sat on the couch and immediately passed out. We don't know why he passed out, but we concluded that he could not be a doctor someday. As he was going through that, I all the sudden started throwing up. Andy had to get one last puke out of me. I fear I sprayed the poor nurse and midwife with my vomit, but i'm sure they are used to that, although i was quite embarrassed and tried to apologize between pukes. As i was finishing up, my midwife with some urgency told me i needed to push him out now. His shoulders got stuck and he wasn't doing so well. She was calm, but i could tell it was eminent that i got him out right then. So i used what energy i had left and pushed him out. They put him on my chest and i could tell something wasn't quite right. He was a little floppy and lifeless. However, everyone was calm and they just took him and started to rub him and that i when i heard the sweet cry of my baby boy.

Andrew Samuel Tappana was born January 10th 2016 at 4:18am weighing 9lbs 5oz and 20in long. Its no wonder I was so miserable near the end. He was HUGE!! After they weighed and measured him, they gave him to me for skin to skin and sacred hour. Bonding with my new baby boy for that hour was the best feeling in the world. As soon as i saw his face and he started making little snort noises and started rooting, my heart was forever changed. Another boy came into my life that took a large piece of my heart that i didn't know existed.  I'll admit, i was nervous having a boy. i only knew girl everything up until this point. What was I going to do with a boy? Was i going to love him like i love my girls? All that worry and fear i carried around for 20 weeks fell off my shoulders as i fell in love with my sweet little boy. I will never be the same.

Andy is a dream baby. He eats really well and sleeps ok. I pulled a couple all nighters the first week, but lately he wakes up to eat and goes back to sleep. I hope it lasts.

Abby and Maddie are smitten by him. Anytime he cries, they gather around him and try to shush and comfort him by making him even more upset, since they are right in his space. Poor kid. Haha. Abby always asks me why he is crying and she is fascinated with breastfeeding. She admitted one day to me that a baby brother "isn't so bad after all." Madalyn loves to hold him and push him in his swing. She also loves to try and suffocate him with her hugs.

I feel so complete right now in life. I was terrified for 3, and though its definitely been an adjustment, it has also been the sweetest 3 weeks of our lives. We are in love with our new addition!!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Christmas 2015

We had such a wonderful Christmas season. I'll admit last night as we were finally getting around to putting our decor away, I was a huge baby about it and was a silly sobbing mess. I don't know why. All I have wanted was to end 2015 so we can meet this baby, and now all the sudden its over!! It was just so magical this year. I blame it on the pregnancy hormones. :)

We kept Christmas simple this year. a) we didn't have a ton of money and b) pregnant Caitlin didn't have a lot of energy. I also didn't take many pictures, because I was using my video camera, but thats ok. The video is priceless. Anyway, Christmas morning we all slept in later than I thought. I woke up to Abby telling me it was time to get the presents. So we headed downstairs and Christmas morning was over in about 20 minutes!  Haha. We didn't have a ton like I said, but why does it have to get over so quickly?

Abby's favorite gifts included her Baby Alive (even though it didn't pee and poo. Thank you Santa!) and her Ariel doll. Madalyns favorite was her bubble machine and her princess ball.

After a lazy morning, we headed to my moms house to continue the celebration and open more presents. My girls got the cutest outfits from my mom, Andy got some burp cloths, Sam and I got tickets to hale center theater show with the rest of my siblings, and my sister and brother in law were awesome this year and got the kids and us some great gifts. Abby got some frozen lipgloss, Maddie got a Jake and the Neverland Pirates figurine, which she also loves and sometimes goes to sleep with it, and we got a gift card to Amazon. We can't figure out what we are going to get with it yet!!!
I knew she would like her gift from the McGees, but I didn't think this much!!!

After a yummy dinner (that I didn't enjoy wah wah wah) the adults spent some time visiting while the kids ran around like crazies. My niece Tiaree got a Harry Potter trivia game that made me feel awesome because I was doing pretty awesome if I do say so myself.  It was just a nice all around night, even when Abby broke out in hives somehow (we think maybe she got into some fiberglass that was in my parents basement) and we had to go get her benedryl.
Best cousin award.

Seriously Christmas 2015, you were awesome. A favorite in our books.